Join the Online Orchestra!
When was the last time you made music in an orchestra?
If it's been a while, or never, now is your chance to get involved for free! With new music to play every season, you'll be able to choose which part you'd like to play, record your part, and hear the final result of everyone playing all together. Just like a real Online Orchestra!
Levels: Beginner - Intermediate
Summer 2022 Song Challenge
Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley
Fall 2022 Song Challenge
Double Violin Concerto by Bach
Join for free now and get the sheet music and link to record with the Online Orchestra!
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Why is this free?
Check out some of the songs we've recorded in the past with the wonder of the internet!
Eleanor Rigby, Beatles
Largo from the Four Seasons, Vivaldi
Canon in D, Pachelbel