Group Classes + Private Lessons
Everything you need to guarantee success, all in one place.

Want the fastest progress?
Our most recommended package is this one, Tier 3, Group & Private lessons.
When a student only takes private lessons, they gain a lot of personalized insight paired with speedy progress, but they miss out on some key things that only group classes can deliver:
1. Developing a keen sense of timing, outside the metronome, in a realistic situation.
2. Adjusting your speed and musical feel and phrasing to match those around you.
3. Breaking you out of the habit of always wanting to stop when you mess up.
4. Learning to play your part while one or more other parts are going, and not getting distracted or thrown off.
5. Knowing you're not alone in the things you struggle with, comradery in learning this difficulty later in life.
6. The chance to perform as part of a group.
7. Hearing the beauty of the parts coming together throughout the entire piece. Even though you can try to approximate this with a recording, nothing beats the real thing.
If I had to choose one to recommend, I would choose group classes. But there are some irreplaceable things that private lessons, alongside group classes offer:
1. Strengthens what you covered in class, on a personalized level.
2. Laser focus on your exact problem areas, with the least time wasted, since you are already now familiar with the most of the music.
3. Let you work on more material, such as solo repertoire.
4. If you're the type that likes to push and challenge yourself, Beginners really appreciate this because you can prep up for an upcoming group class that may push you to your limits. Then you can practice the material at home and arrive to group class ready to be challenged with putting it all together.
The solution? If you have a little wiggle room in your budget and your schedule, it is far superior to PLAN FOR BOTH.
It’s Time To Do What You Love
With one-on-one guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to go far and rocket your playing level.
Once you know how to play violin, it's not enough to just sit at home and practice. While that can be fun (and certainly effective at honing your technique, if you're doing it right), there is nothing more educational than real-life application. With this combo you'll be able to:
- Play with anyone
- Appreciate music in a whole different light
- Align your vision with reality
It’s time to strengthen your playing like never before.
Private Lessons
You'll receive 45 or 60 minute private lessons 1x/week so you can work out all the fine details of your execution. Flexible scheduling with 6 month expiration on rolled over lessons. Attend online or in-person.
Group Classes
Round out your education by attending group classes 1-3x/week which are already included in this membership level. Learning is more fun together, and there are a lot of things you just can't learn on your own! Schedule in advance to attend any class on any day of the month. Drop-ins are ok, but seats can only be guaranteed in advance. Attend online or in-person.

Song Libary
Tons of fun, educational sheet music with accompanying practice videos that are synced up to live notation.
Recorded Group Classes
Search the Archives for any song or topic, or just watch the class you just missed last week.
Monthly Song Challenge - NEW
Each month we'll be doing an online collaboration. Pick a part to learn, follow the instructions and link, play along with me, then submit your recording, and I'll seam together everyone's video so that we can all be playing at once, together!

Free Practice Room Time
As one of our more dedicated students, you get 1 hour of practice room time completely for free. Book before a class to warm up, after a class to keep going, or practice with a friend.

We want to reward you for dedicating yourself to learning the violin. Receive 12% off our retail merchandise (including violins), 30% off any additional group classes for your or a friend and 15% off private lessons for you or a friend!
Plus receive a 20% on Mirea Clua's Violin Looping Course!
Should I play something fun, or should I "practice"?
The fact that you consider those two very separate things is the first thing we should address!
Itzak Perlman states that in a 3-hour practice day, he spends 1 hour on Scales & Arpeggios, 1 hour on Etudes and 1 hour on Repertoire.
Let's break that down. Let's immediately assume that you don't have 3 hours a day to practice, (because none of my adult students do). Let's say you come to class on a Tuesday night. First, you warm up with the Technique class and then you play a cool new piece in the Play Classical Music Together class.
You go home and for the next several days, you work on honing the technique you learned on Tuesday night. Then your private lesson comes around. The weather is terrible so you decide to stay home and do the lesson online. You feel comfortable with the group class material and don't need any help with that right now, but you do want to work on your next solo: the Bach Partita No. 3 in E Major.
A few months later, the concert rolls around. You invite your closest family and friends to watch you wow the audience with your solo piece. You then get back up on stage with the Student Orchestra and perform several of the pieces we've been playing over the last several months. After the concert several people come up to you to congratulate you on your wonderful performance. You couldn't feel prouder. You wanted it, you worked for it, and you got it. What a great feeling.
So, play or practice? Why, both of course!

This membership is perfect if you:
- Want to make the fastest progress possible in the shortest amount of time.
- Want to get all your questions answered while still having fun playing with others.
- Can attend classes 2-3x/week, either online or in-person.
- Think you can afford $90-$140/week for these goals.
This membership is not a good fit if you:
- Are just looking for private lessons.
- Can only attend classes 1x/week.
- Do not enjoy playing with a group.