Group Class Homework & Archives
The perfect accompaniment to the Group Violin Classes, but useful for anyone looking to dive into violin technique and repertoire.
Use this running record to learn about any topic covered in group classes since 2020, including:
Here's a peek at what it looks like inside.
Right Hand Technique:
Proper Bow Hold
Simon Fischer in-depth bow control exercises
Bow Techniques: Detaché, slurs, slurred stacatto, collé.
Double Stops
Melodious Double Stops by Josephine Trott
Left Hand Technique:
Wohlfarht 60 Studies
Shifting into 3rd, 5th, 4th, 2nd, 7th position
1, 2 & 3 Octave Scales: All Major & Minor Scales
1, 2 & 3 Octave Scale Variations including whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, eighth notes, sixteenth notes, in rhythms, broken thirds, double stops, & arpeggios
Classical Pieces:
Canon in D, Pachelbel
Cello Suite No. 1, Bach
Concerto No. 1, Vivaldi
Eine Kleine Nachtmusic
Largo from Winter, The Four Seasons, Vivaldi
Sonata No 1 in G minor, Presto, Bach
Symphony No. 5, Tchaikovsky
Symphony No. 5, Beethoven
Pop/Rock Songs:
Can't Help Falling in Love, Elvis Presley
Chasing Cars, Snow Patrol
Game of Thrones Theme Song
Hallelujah, Leonard Cohen
Inception theme, Max Richter
On the Nature of Daylight, Max Richter
Schindler's List
Secrets, One Republic
Fiddle Tunes:
Ashokan Farewell, (beginner & advanced)
Boil/Bile Them Cabbage Down
Drunken Sailor
Lil Liza Jane
Oats & Peas & Beans & barley Grow Well
Seaman's Hymn
Tam Lin

Plans and Downloads
Summary of what is to happen in the class, downloadable PDFs that we'll be covering in class, extra reading material and the weekly targets and goals.
Practice Videos
Videos made for you to practice the weekly material to (always a play-along video).
Recorded Group Classes
Watch if you missed the class, or just for extra practice (or to hear my bad jokes again).
Group Class Resources
Everything you need for class, all in one place. Perfect for students who attending single classes and haven't signed up for the All Access Pass.

Interested in studying the material from a previous semester? We have it all right here for you, ready to access whenever you need it, with a searchable database dating back to Summer 2020, totaling over 180 hours of class!
Still Have Questions?
Contact us with any question at all and we'll try to get back to you within 24 hours.