Students don't need to purchase tickets for themselves, but you can if they wish to reserve an audience chair for yourself.
AMT Theater

There are three backstage areas.
1. The Green Room, which is located near the entrance of the theater, on the ground level. It has fancy dressing room mirrors with lights, and some chairs. You'll be right next to the audience, so you'll need to be quite quiet. Capacity: 10 people.
2. The Orchestra Balcony, which is located above the stage on the 2nd floor. It is imperative that you are silent in this area as it is directly above a stage. Other than that, it's a great area to hang before your solo as you'll be able to hear the entire concert since you'll be right above it. Capacity: 5 people.
3. The Downstairs Dressing Room, which is located in the basement, and has two access points to the stage. This is the biggest space, but it may be a little cold in the winter. Bring your jacket just in case, as I'm unfamiliar with the temperature. This area has bathrooms, a large hallway, and old dressing room type counters with chairs. There are less noise restrictions here, though of course be mindful. Capacity: 30 + people.

Dress Rehearsal Schedule
for Group Class Students, in order of priority. Attend as many as you can, but if you can't attend them all, attend as close to the concert as you can.
Day-Before Dress Rehearsal
All performers must attend
Sat, Dec 14th 11am Beginner Class
Sat, Dec 14th 12pm Late Beginner
Sat, Dec 14th 1pm Student Orchestra
Week-Of Dress Rehearsal
All performers highly recommended to attend
Wed, Dec 11th 6:30pm Beginner Class
Wed, Dec 11th 7:30pm Late Beginner
Tues, Dec 10th 7:30pm Student Orchestra
2 Weeks Before
All performers encouraged to attend as we'll be going through all 3 pieces.
Wed, Dec 4 6:30 beginner, 7:30 late beginner
Tues, Dec 3 7:30 student orchestra
Rehearsal FAQ
How much do extra classes cost?
- Possibly nothing:
- All Monthly members (Private, Group or VIP) automatically get one extra, free group class per month!
- All Quarterly members (Private, Group or VIP) automatically get 3 extra group classes per quarter to use anytime during their 12 week period.
- If you've used up all your classes, you can still attend affordably. All members get a 25% discount on extra group classes with the code SUCCESS25 (and VIP members get 30% off).
- We are running a special this month where all extra classes are 50% off. Use code HOLIDAZE when booking.
Do I need to attend all the Dress Rehearsals?
No, but the more you attend, the better. Not only will you get to practice how it feels to play with the group, but others will get to experience a more full sound. Plus, we can practice the seating if everyone is present!
What are the Backstage Areas?
Look earlier on this page; they are all described there!
Concert Day Schedule
Sat, Dec 15th at AMT Theater
354 W. 45th St (between 8th and 9th Ave)
Dress Code: Semi-formal
Student Orchestra Dress Code: Concert Black - black top, black bottom (not too short), black socks, black shoes.
Bring: your music stand, your music, instrument, shoulder rest, glasses, a spare set of strings, your music stand, your music stand, your music stand with your name on it.
Do not place your personal items on the audience chairs unless you have a ticket for that specific seat.
2:00 | Staff & helpers load in. Orientation to the space |
2:15 | Sound set-up, sound check |
2:45 | Lights set-up |
3:00 | Performers arrive. Get settled in Backstage Areas. |
3:30 | Doors Open |
4:00 | Concert Begins |
4:00 | Solos |
4:30 | Duo/Trio/Quartets |
5:00 | Teachers |
5:15 | Intermission (if running on time) |
5:25 | Group Classes |
5:25 | Beginner Class |
5:40 | Late Beginner Class |
6:00 | Student Orchestra |
6:20 | Concert Ends. (Picture of all performers) |
6:25 | Break down, clean up |
7:00 After Party - location TBA!
Can I leave my stuff in the audience chairs? No. Each seat has been reserved and paid for by a ticketed guest and historically the seats have never, ever, not even once, been cleared before the doors opening time. You'll be busy and will forget your stuff is taking up a reserved chair. Therefore please set your stuff down in one of the many backstage areas. Thank you!
Where can I leave my stuff?
There are three backstage areas. The Green Room (by the entrance), the silent Orchestra Balcony (above the stage) and the Downstairs Dressing Room (in the basement). You can leave your personal items there. See description and map above!
Concert Repertoire
Concert Seating
27 chairs
14 stands